
Life Extension, Екстракт зеленого чаю Mega, з легким вмістом кофеїну, 100 вегетаріанських капсул

Артикул: LEX-95310 Виробники:


Поживна цінність
Розмір порції: 1 вегетаріанська капсула
Кількість в 1 порції% від добової норми
Екстракт зеленого чаю (листя) [станд. до 98% поліфенолів, 45% EGCG]725 мг**
** Добову норму не визначено.


  • 98% Polyphenols 
  • Non GMO LE Certified 
  • One-Per-Day Concentrated Polyphenol Extract
  • Dietary Supplement

Green tea (Camellia sinensis) contains health-promoting polyphenol compounds such as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a powerful anti-aging phytonutrient that has been the subject of extensive scientific research. Our Mega Green Tea Extract provides more of these potent compounds than the equivalent of several cups of green tea in a lightly caffeinated supplement.

Each capsule of Mega Green Tea Extract provides 725 mg of green tea extract, standardized to 98 percent polyphenols.

Lightly Caffeinated Mega Green Tea Extract Benefits 

  • Delivers over 325 mg of potent EGCG, which supports cellular, cardiovascular & cognitive health 
  • Helps maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range 
  • Promotes healthy cellular proliferation & metabolic function

Green tea is packed with plant compounds called polyphenols, the most well-characterized of which is EGCG. EGCG possesses abundant health-promoting properties. It supports healthy cell reproduction, metabolic function and cardiovascular health. EGCG also helps protect brain health, benefits immune system function and helps promote a healthy body weight.

Rich in polyphenols and other phytonutrients 

An average cup of green tea contains about 150 mg to 300 mg of polyphenols. Each capsule of this supplement provides 725 mg of green tea extract, standardized to 98 percent polyphenols. That means you’d have to drink about 3 cups of green tea to get the same number of polyphenols as a single capsule of our Mega Green Tea extract.

Green tea health benefits 

Protects against oxidation: Drinking green tea boosts the body’s oxidative stress defenses. Green tea polyphenols are capable of directly neutralizing destructive free radicals, and they are also thought to boost the body’s own internal defenses against destructive free radicals. They’ve also been shown to inhibit oxidative stress.

Cellular health support: Green tea supports healthy cellular proliferation. In fact, the green tea polyphenol EGCG has a remarkably broad array of cellular health benefits, exerting a positive influence on mitochondrial health, intracellular signaling pathways, intracellular messengers, transcription factors, healthy gene expression and more.

Cholesterol management: Green tea, green tea extracts and EGCG can help maintain already-healthy blood cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels.

Neuroprotection and Metabolic Health: Green tea and its polyphenols, including EGCG, help protect nerve cells and nerve function, have been shown to help preserve metabolic health, and help maintain already-healthy glucose levels.

Рекомендації із застосування

Read the entire label and follow the directions carefully prior to use.

Take one (1) capsule daily without food, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.

Each serving contains approximately 25 mg of caffeine (the amount found in 2/3 cup brewed green tea). 

The botanical extract in Mega Green Tea Extract has been concentrated and dual standardized to ensure the highest quality, consistency and biological activity. 

Інші інгредієнти

Рослинна целюлоза (капсула), стеаринова кислота, рисове борошно, діоксид кремнію.

У кожній порції міститься приблизно 25 мг кофеїну (кількість, що міститься у 2/3 чашки завареного чаю).


  • Зберігати в недоступному для дітей місці.
  • Не слід перевищувати рекомендовану дозу.
  • Не слід купувати продукт, якщо зовнішня захисна плівка пошкоджена.
  • Перед прийманням дієтичних добавок проконсультуйтеся з лікарем, якщо ви проходите курс лікування від захворювання, а також у період вагітності та грудного вигодування.

Зберігати в щільно закритій упаковці в сухому прохолодному місці.


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